dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2016

Autumn art project: Animals with leaves
Our students from 5th grade made these amazing creations
 with leaves that they picked up from the playground. They 
selected the leaves, cut them and sticked them on a white
cardboard in order to create different animals. Also, they 
could do trees and other elements to decorate the 
cardboard. They were very imaginative and we are so proud
 of them! Here you can see the fantastic results:

Autumn art project: Autumn and Coffee
The pupils of 6th grade used white cardboard, leaves from
 the playground and soluble coffee to do this craft. They did
 a framework with tape and stick the leaves on the paper.
 Then, they painted the entire surface with soluble coffee,
 and when it was dry they took off the tape and the leaves.
 The result is incredible. You could even use it to decorate 
your living room!


Halloween art project: Stamped potatoes

This project was made by our older pupils, the boys and girls from 6th grade, who brought a potato and a white 
T-shirt from home. The project consisted on cutting the 
potato with the shape of a pumpkin, a ghost or a skull,
 spreading some paint on the potato and stamping it on the 
T-shirt. They loved the activity because it was very creative 
and they can keep the T-shirt as a souvenir from the school.
 It seems professional, right?

dimecres, 2 de març del 2016

Nuestros cómics "13, Rue del Percebe"

Durante el segundo trimestre, los alumnos y las alumnas de 5º de primaria han trabajado el cómic en el área de Lengua Castellana. Aquí podéis ver sus creaciones, ¡son unos artistas!

divendres, 19 de febrer del 2016


La biblioteca de La Roca del Vallès ens han donat un munt de recomanacions de llibres interessants per cicle superior.
Esperem que us agradin!


divendres, 12 de febrer del 2016

Graphic Art project : Reach for the stars!

Long time no news!

Here we go again with  our latest work on Graphic Art,"Reach for the stars". 
This project consists in drawing students' arms and hands and designing them by  making different kinds of   patterns.
The result is a cooperative mural with other groups who work on the same project. The mural gathers the arms reaching for the stars which symbolize all our wishes and goals for the new year. 

Students worked hard and concentration was a success!